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For germanium the ideality factor or emission coefficient is ____ ?
A. Six
B. One
C. Seven
D. FourIn case of diode the standard form of PIV is _____.
A. Peak Interior Voltage
B. Peak Interior Value
C. Peak Inverse Voltage
D. None of themWhat are the disadvantages of tuned amplifiers ?
A. Not suitable for audio frequency applications
B. L & C are bulky & costly
C. Complexity to design the circuit
D. All of the aboveWhat are the advantages of tuned amplifiers ?
A. Suitable for all radio transmitters & receivers
B. Minimize the power loss
C. Frequency is high
D. All of the aboveIn which one of the following clippers will have a voltage source ?
A. Biased clipper
B. Positive clipper
C. Unbiased clipper
D. None of themIn which type of clipper the portion of the positive peak will be removed ?
A. Combination clipper
B. Positive clipper
C. Negative clipper
D. None of themIn which type of clipper the portion of the negative peak will be removed ?
A. Combination clipper
B. Positive clipper
C. Negative clipper
D. None of themHow many types of clippers are there ?
A. Two
B. Five
C. One
D. SevenWhich one of the following is a type of rectifier ?
A. Clampers
B. Clippers
C. Center tapped
D. All of themWhat are the applications of diodes ?
A. Clampers
B. Rectifiers
C. Clippers
D. All of the above