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( Interactive MCQs and Quizzes for Knowledge )
Which of the following is a disadvantage of air transport ?
A. Adds to foreign reserve, through tourism
B. Heavy funds required during operation
C. Brings relief during emergencies
D. Increases the demand of specialized technical skill workforceWhat is the full form of ICAO ?
A. International Civil Aviation Organization Conference
B. Indian Central Aviation Organization Conference
C. International Central Aviation Organization Conference
D. International Civil Aeronautic Organization ConferenceWhat is the full form of IATA ?
A. International Air Travel Association
B. International Air Travel Academy
C. International Air Transport Association
D. Indian Air Transport AssociationWhich of the following is an advantage of air transport ?
A. Operations are highly dependent up on weather conditions
B. No change of equipment during the journey
C. Requires highly sophisticated machinery
D. Heavy funds are required, not only initially but also during operationsWhat are Conventional Take-Off and Landing Airports also known as ?
A. Short Take-Off and Landing Airports
B. Vertical Take-Off and Landing Airports
C. Horizontal Take-Off and Landing Airports
D. Reduced Take-Off and Landing AirportsWhat is the full form of RTOL ?
A. Reduced Take-Off and Landing Airport
B. Runway Take-Off and Landing Airport
C. Right Take-Off and Landing Airport
D. Rescue Take-Off and Landing AirportWhich of the following is not a basis for the classification of airports ?
A. Based on location
B. Based on geometric design
C. Based on take-off and landing
D. Based on functionWhich important event with regard to the development of air services took place in 1953 ?
A. Air India International Ltd was established
B. 155 aircrafts were registered
C. The Air Transport Corporation Bill was passed
D. Air Transport Licensing Board was establishedWhat is the full form of ICAN ?
A. Indian Commission on Air Navigation
B. International Commission on Aireal Navigation
C. International Commitee on Air Navigation
D. International Commission on Air NavigationWhen was the International Civil Aviation Organization established as a body of UN ?
A. 1927
B. 1947
C. 1948
D. 1912