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What does SMTP stand for ____ ?
A. Supply Mail Traveler Protocol
B. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
C. Supply Mail Transfer Protocol
D. Simple Mail Traveler ProtocolWhich one is the extension of MS excel 2007 file ?
A. .doc
B. .dox
C. .xlsx
D. xlsWhat does IMAP stand for ___ ?
A. Internet Message Access Protocol
B. Intermediate Message Access Protocol
C. Intermediate Message Apply Protocol
D. Internet Message Apply ProtocolWhat is the full form of PDF ?
A. Public Document Format
B. Portable Document Format
C. Printed Document Format
D. Published Document FormatWhich year did Windows 10 launch ?
A. 2015
B. 2019
C. 2013
D. 2014The brain of any computer system is called ___ ?
B. Keyboard
C. Motherboard
D. RAMWhat does BIOS stand for ____ ?
A. Basic Input output security
B. Binary Input output security
C. Basic Input Output system
D. Binary Input output systemWhich year started the development of Android ?
A. 2020
B. 2010
C. 2000
D. 2003What does VGA stand for ?
A. Video Graphics Adapter
B. Visual Graphics Array
C. Video Graphics Array
D. Visual Graphics AdapterWhat does CD-ROM stand for ?
A. Crystal Disk Read Only Memory
B. Compact Disk Read Only Memory
C. Compact Disk Read Open Memory
D. Crystal Disk Read Open Memory