Medical multiple-choice questions here cover topics like Oral Histology MCQs, with answers and explanations for medical students. Oral histology MCQs with answers pdf, oral histology books pdf and oral cavity histology. Oral Pathology & Medicine

Inorganic content of enamel is about ____ ?
A. 96%
B. 4%
C. 35%
D. 50%Diameter of the rod is ____ ?
A. 7 μ m
B. 2 μ m
C. 9 μ m
D. 4 μ mChronological hypoplasia is ____ ?
A. Hypoplasia of hereditary origin
B. Hypoplasia of local origin
C. Hypoplasia of systemic origin
D. None of themFormation of dentin by odontoblasts begins in ____ ?
A. Organizing stage
B. Formative stage
C. Morphogenic stage
D. Desmolytic stageEnamel is laid down _____ ?
A. Only on odontoblasts
B. Only by ameloblasts
C. Mainly by odontoblasts
D. Mainly by ameloblastsSynthesis of enamel matrix proteins occurs in the ______ ?
A. Ameloblast
B. Stratum granulosum
C. Outer enamel epithelium
D. Stratum intermediumAmong the following the structure that is most calcified is ______ ?
A. Enamel spindle
B. Enamel tuft
C. Enamel rod
D. Enamel lamellaFollowing is not an external manifestation of enamel ____ ?
A. Enamel cuticle
B. Enamel tufts
C. Enamel lamella
D. Incremental lines of enamelBlunt cell processes seen on the developing ameloblasts are celled as _____ ?
A. Tomes processes
B. Odontoblastic processes
C. Tomes layer
D. Tomes fibresIncremental lines of retzius are seen in _____ ?
A. Cementum
B. Pulp
C. Enamel
D. Dentin