Magnetic Circuit MCQs with answers PDF for Electrical Engineering. Covers magnetic circuits, including series and parallel magnetic circuits. Ideal for NTS, PPSC, FPSC, WAPDA, Railway, and MES exam preparation
What is the symbol for mmf ?
A. NI/1c
B. Fm
C. Φ = BAc Ac=area in m
D. NoneWhat are the types of magnetic circuits ?
A. Parallel Magnetic Circuit
B. Series Magnetic Circuit
C. Both a and b
D. None of themWhat is the formula for magnetic circuit ?
A. Φ = f/r
B. Φ = t/p
C. 1/4p
D. None of themThe reason hard steel works well for creating permanent magnets is:
A. its mechanical strength is high
B. its mechanical strength is low
C. its hysteresis loop has large area
D. it has good residual magnetismA ferromagnetic substance has a relative permeability of:
A. more than 100 or 1000
B. more than 10
C. less than one
D. more than onePermanent magnets are normally made of:
A. cast iron
B. wrought iron
C. alnico alloys
D. aluminiumWhat does permeability in an electric circuit translate to in a magnetic circuit ?
A. resistivity
B. conductance
C. resistance
D. conductivityThe unit of magnetic flux is:
A. ampere-turn/weber
B. ampere/metre
C. henry
D. weberWhen a coil’s resistance and inductance are both doubled, what is the value of ?
A. final steady current is doubled
B. time constant is halved
C. time constant remains unchanged
D. initial rate of rise of current is doubledElectrical machinery uses silicon steel due to its ?
A. low hysteresis loss
B. high coercivity
C. low coercivity
D. low retentivity