Economics of power generation mcqs pdf for Electrical Engineering MCQS. Economics of power generation mcqs with answers, Hydroelectric power plant is mcqs and Electrical energy MCQ.
Which of the following is equal to the maximum demand ?
A. The peak of the load curve
B. The area under the curve
C. The ratio of area under curve to the total area of rectangle
D. The ratio of area under curve and number of hoursThe area under the load curve represents ____.
A. maximum demand
B. load factor
C. the average load on power system
D. number of units generatedWhat is Demand factor ?
A. Ratio of kilowatt hour consumed to 24 hours
B. Ratio of maximum demand to the connected load
C. Ratio of connected load to maximum demand
D. Ratio of average load to connected loadSize and cost of installation depends upon ____ .
A. square mean load
B. square of peak load
C. average load
D. maximum demandDuring which time the demand of electrical energy is maximum ?
A. 12 P.M. to 7 P.M.
B. 7 P.M. to 9 P.M
C. 2 A.M. to 5 A.M.
D. 5 A.M. to 12 P.M.Load duration curve indicates _____.
A. the number of hours for which the particular load lasts during a day
B. total energy consumed by the load
C. the variation of load during different hours of the day
D. total number of units generated for the given demandIn practice what is the value of diversity factor ?
A. Equal to or greater than Unity
B. Less than zero
C. Geater than Unity
D. Less than UnityThe load factor is ______ .
A. less than zero
B. always less than unity
C. less than or greater than 1
D. always greater than 1Which of the following represents the annual average load ?
A. (KWh supplied in a year) / (24 × 365)
B. {(KWh supplied in a month)/(30 x 24)
C. (KWh supplied in a day)/24
D. {(KWh supplied in a day)/ 24 } × 365Which of the following is called as cold reserve ?
A. Capacity in service in excess of peak load
B. Reserve capacity available but not ready for use
C. Reserve capacity available and ready for use
D. Generating capacity connected to bus and ready to take load