HRM MCQs with answers for online test. The multiple-choice questions here cover topics like Strategic HRM, Operational HRM, HRM MCQs with answers pdf, HRM MCQs pdf, Human resource management MCQs with answers pdf, Tactical HRM, International HRM, HR Planning, Recruitment and Selection, Training and Development analysis. Finance MCQS

Good marketing is no accident, but a result of careful planning and ?
A. Research
B. Execution
C. Strategies
D. Tactics‘Cooperative union-management projects’ is an example of ?
A. strategic intervention
B. techno structural interventions
C. human process intervention
D. strategic interventionReinforcement of new culture, by the organization’s manager can be concluded in ?
A. refreezing stage
B. nonmoving stage
C. unfreezing stage
D. moving stageA category, testing the learned skills and principles, known as?
A. measuring behavior
B. measuring results
C. measuring learning
D. measuring reactionA method, executive’s strengths and weaknesses are being questioned by external consultant, known as ?
A. executive coach
B. in-house development center
C. behavior modeling
D. role playingA stage, leaders create task forces to diagnose problem while carrying shared understanding, regarded as?
A. nonmoving stage
B. unfreezing stage
C. moving stage
D. refreezing stageA technique, including formal methods for testing effectiveness of training program, considered as?
A. design of evaluation
B. consolidation of gains
C. design of evaluation
D. controlled experimentationThe ‘organizational confronting meeting’ is an example of?
A. strategic intervention
B. HRM interventions
C. human process intervention
D. techno structural interventionsOrganizational development consists of?
A. change toward empowerment
B. action search
C. applying behavioral knowledge
D. all of themIn Lewin organizational change process, the ‘creation of sense of urgency’ is called ?
A. refreezing stage
B. unfreezing stage
C. moving stage
D. all of them