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Which of the following is the other name of perennial irrigation system ?
A. Direct Irrigation
B. Storage Irrigation
C. Flood Irrigation
D. Controlled IrrigationWhich of the following is the quality of a good irrigation method ?
A. Drainage Troubles
B. Soil Erosion
C. Increased Yield
D. Leached FertilizersWhich of the following type of irrigation methods uses artificial rain to irrigate the land ?
A. Sprinkler Irrigation Method
B. Drip Irrigation Method
C. Border Irrigation Method
D. Furrow MethodWhich of the following type of irrigation methods uses supply ditch, borders, ridges ?
A. Border Flooding
B. Drip Irrigation Method
C. Check Flooding
D. Basin FloodingWhich of the following type of irrigation method is also called as trickle irrigation ?
A. Sprinkler Irrigation Method
B. Drip Irrigation Method
C. Furrow Irrigation Method
D. Check FloodingWhich of the following canal acts as an irrigation canal as well as a feeder canal ?
A. Permanent canal
B. Inundation canal
C. Carrier canal
D. Feeder canalCanal irrigation is generally preferred in _____.
A. feeder canal
B. alluvial canal
C. non-alluvial canal
D. non-perennial canalWhich of the following type of method is adopted for research studies on crops ?
A. Phytometer Method
B. Furrow Irrigation Method
C. Lysimeter Method
D. Drip Irrigation MethodOn which of the following factor does the pricing of irrigation water is done at a flat rate ?
A. Amount of Irrigation Water Used
B. Type of Crops Sown
C. For the Whole Field Sown
D. Per HectareWhich of the following factor causing waterlogging suggests extensive irrigation ?
A. Seepage of Water from High Lands
B. Impervious Obstruction
C. Over and Intensive Irrigation
D. Excessive Rains