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White infarcts occurs in one of the following organs ___ ?
A. Heart
B. Intestine
C. Ovary
D. LungInfarcts are not common in ______ ?
A. Kidney
B. Liver
C. Lung
D. b and cVenous emboli are most often lodged in ______ ?
A. Kidneys
B. Heart
C. Intestines
D. LungsInfarct of the following organs is invariably haemorrhagic _____ ?
A. Lung
B. Heart
C. Kidney
D. KidneyIn which one of the following organs the venous emboli are most often iodged?
A. Intestines
B. Heart
C. Lungs
D. KidneysWhich of the following symptomatic atheroscierotic disease is correct ______ ?
A. Lower extremities – claudication gangrene
B. Aorta – Aneurysm, thromboembolism
C. Heart – MI, Ischemic heart disease
D. All of themEarliest lesion in atherosclerosis is ______ ?
A. Fatty streak
B. Fibrous plaque
C. Atheroma
D. None of themPale infarcts are seen in all of the following except ____ ?
A. Kidney
B. Spleen
C. Lung
D. LiverThree days after the onset of myocardial infarction, which enzyme level has the best predictive value ____ ?
A. Serum SGPT
B. Serum LDH
C. Serum CPK
D. Serum SGOTExtravasation of blood in to the tissues with resulting swelling is called _____ ?
A. Hematoma
B. Heamopericardium
C. Hemothorax
D. Heamoperitonium