Pathology MCQs with answers cover topics such as Introduction to Pathology, Clinical Pathology, Pathology Bank MCQs, Systemic Pathology, Pathology Lab Technician MCQs, Cell Injury, and other medical topics in pathology. Pathology MCQs with answers pdf, pathology MCQs pdf. Clinical pathology MCQs with Answers PDF, basic pathology MCQs, Robbins pathology MCQs with answers pdf, pathology multiple choice questions and answers pdf and Pathology questions and answers PDF. Oral Pathology & Medicine
Which of the following is not an indicative of hemorrhage ______ ?
A. Melanosis
B. Petechiae
C. Ecchymosis
D. MalenaAll of the following differs antemortum thrombus from a postmortem intravascular costs except ____ ?
A. Dry and friable
B. Firm adherence to endothelium where as absent in postmorten clots
C. Chicken fat appearance
D. Lines of zahnMajor factors predisposing to thrombogenesis include all of the following except _____ ?
A. Altered blood flow
B. Pattern of blood flow
C. Endothelial injury
D. Hyper coagulability of bloodAscites seen in alcoholic liver cirrhosis result form _____ ?
A. Due to obstruction of bile duct
B. Decreased protein production by liver
C. Due to increased portal hypertension
D. All of themMost reliable post mortem features of left sided cardiac failure is _____ ?
A. Chronic venous congestion of lungs
B. Enlargement of spleen and liver
C. Systemic venous congestion
D. Oedematous anklesBoth Pala or red infarcts are seen in _____ ?
A. Kidney
B. Spleen
C. Brain
D. LungMajor site of atheroscierosis _____ ?
A. Thoracic aorta
B. Internal carotid artery
C. Abdominal aorta
D. Coronary arteryRisk factor for atherosclerosis _____ ?
A. Diabetes
B. Smoking
C. Hypertension
D. ArabicIn hypovolemic shock ______ ?
A. There is always s site of bleeding
B. Urine output is unaffected
C. The central venous pressure ins high
D. The extremities are pale, cold and sweatingHypovolemic shock develops after loss of ______ ?
A. 20% blood
B. 30% blood
C. 40% blood
D. 10% blood