Magnetic Circuit MCQs with answers PDF for Electrical Engineering. Covers magnetic circuits, including series and parallel magnetic circuits. Ideal for NTS, PPSC, FPSC, WAPDA, Railway, and MES exam preparation
What is measured by the hysteresis loss area is ?
A. permeance
B. magnetic flux
C. permittivity
D. energy loss per cycleAs conductance is to reluctance, permeability is to:
A. capacitance
B. resistance
C. ampere turns
D. inductanceWhat conductivity is similar to ?
A. resistivity
B. inductance
C. retentivity
D. permeabilityWhat causes hysteresis loss the least ?
A. steinmetz coefficient of material
B. ambient temperature
C. volume of material
D. frequencyWhat is the name of the characteristic of a material that stops magnetic flux from being created within it ?
A. reluctance
B. permeance
C. reluctivity
D. magnetomotive forceWhat is the unit of reluctance ?
A. henry
B. 1/henry
C. metre/henry
D. henry/metreWhat should a material with good magnetic memory have ?
A. high permeability
B. low retentivit
C. high retentivity
D. low hysteresis lossWhat is the retentivity unit ?
A. ampere turn/metre
B. ampere tur
C. weber
D. weber/sq. mWhat will be the hysteresis loss in a material with a wide area of the hysteresis loop ?
A. small
B. large
C. zero
D. noneWhat is often used to make transformer cores functioning in the microwave frequency range ?
A. ferrites
B. silicon steels
C. carbon
D. copper