Medical multiple-choice questions here cover topics like Oral Histology MCQs, with answers and explanations for medical students. Oral histology MCQs with answers pdf, oral histology books pdf and oral cavity histology. Oral Pathology & Medicine
In mineralization which one of the following is known as Epitaxy?
A. Seeding theory
B. Cartier/s Adenosine Triphosphate theory
C. Booster Mechanism
D. Alkaline Phosphatase theoryMovement of tooth to close the intermaxillary gap during eruption is due to ?
A. Passive eruption
B. Physiological tooth migration
C. Active eruption
D. None of themTeeth with out antagonist if erupt is called ?
A. Submerged
B. Supra erupted
C. Stable
D. Over eruptedThe most accepted theory of tooth eruption is ?
A. Clone theory
B. Vascular theory
C. Hydrodynamic theory
D. Periodontal ligament traction theoryHammock ligament is present ____ ?
A. In apical area of a tooth
B. As a part of deep cervical fascia
C. Between temporal and sphenoid bone
D. Between hamular notch and mandibleWhich enzyme is associated with the mineralization ?
A. Alkaline phosphatase
B. Amino peptidase
C. Acid phosphatase
D. Adenosine triphosphateOral tissue for microscopic examination is prepared by ?
A. Frozen and sectioned
B. Embedded in paraffin and sectioned
C. Embedded in paradion and sectioned
D. All of themResorption of dental tissue is caused by ?
A. Osteoblasts
B. Odontoblasts
C. Osteoclasts
D. OdontoclastsGubernacular canal guides the eruption of ?
A. Permanent teeth
B. Primary teeth
C. Both A and B
D. None of themTooth buds of permanent mandibular incisors are situated ?
A. Labial to primary teeth
B. Lingual to primary teeth
C. Inferior to primary teeth
D. a and c