Islamic Studies MCQs cover topics such as the basics of Islam, Islamic General Knowledge MCQs, First in Islam, Quran and Surah, Namaz and Azan, Angels, Life of Prophet Muhammad, Hajj, Zakat, Kalma, Fasting, Islamic Months, Holy Books, Ahadees, Makkah and Medina and Jihad in Islam. Islamic Study MCQs for test preparation are available for all competitive exams. Also includes Islamiat MCQs questions and answers in Urdu, Islamiat MCQs PDF, Islamic questions and answers in Urdu, Islamiat MCQs in Urdu, Islamiat quizzes, Islamiat questions, Islamic questions and answers in Urdu, Islamic quiz in Urdu, 1000 Islamiat MCQs PDF, Islamic Studies MCQs PDF, Islamic MCQs PDF, Islamic Studies MCQs with answers in PDF, free download of Islamic Studies MCQs PDF, and Islamiat MCQs with answers PDF in Urdu.

1First in Islam Mcqs2Hajj Mcqs
3Holy Books Mcqs4Jihad in Islam Mcqs
5Titles of Prophets and Companions6Islamic Studies MCQs in Urdu
7Islamic Month Mcqs8Makkah MCQS
9Medina MCQS10Hazrat Abu Bakr R.A
11Hazrat Ali R.A 12Hazrat Umar R.A
13Hazrat Usman R.A14Battle in Islam MCQs
17Islamic Study Urdu Mcqs18Angels in Islam
  • Hazrat Adam (AH) name mentioned in the Holy Quran _______ times ?

    A. 12
    B. 17
    C. 25
    D. 34

  • Total Prophets / messengers of Allah ?

    A. 46445
    B. 123000
    C. 124000
    D. 36000

    Prophets mentioned in Quran
    1. Prophet Adam (Peace Be Upon Him)
    2.  Prophet Idris (Peace Be Upon Him)
    3.  Prophet Noah (Peace Be Upon Him)
    4. Prophet Hud (Peace Be Upon Him)
    5.  Prophet Salih 
    6.  Prophet Ibrahim
    7. Prophet Lut
    8. Prophet Ismail
    9. Prophet Ishaaq
    10. Prophet Yaqoob
    11.  Prophet Yusuf
    12. Prophet Shoaib
    13.  Prophet Musa
    14.  Prophet Haroon 
    15. Prophet Uzair 
    16. . Prophet Ilyaas (Peace Be Upon Him)
    17. Prophet Dawood
    18. Prophet Yunus (Peace Be Upon Him)
    19. . Prophet Ayyub (Peace Be Upon Him)
    20. Prophet Dhul Kifl 
    21. . Prophet Yasaa
    22.  Prophet Zakariyya
    23. Prophet Yahya
    24. Prophet Isa
    25.  Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him)

  • Give the total number of Prophets (A.S) ?

    A. 126000
    B. 124000
    C. 125000
    D. 123000

  • Which prophet Injeel was revealed to ?

    A. Prophet Essa (A.S)
    B. Prophet Moosa (A.S)
    C. Prophet Ibraheem (A.S)
    D. Prophet Dawood (A.S)

  • Where is the grave of Hazrat Ibraheem (A.S) ?

    A. Jordan
    B. Israel
    C. Lebanon
    D. Syria

    Important question
    1. Namrud ordered throwing Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S) into the fire
    2. Nimrod, the king of Babylon, commanded his men to throw Prophet Ibrahim (AS) into a huge pit of burning fire
    3. Hazrat Ibrahim A.S remained on fire for 40 days
    4. Khalil Ullah is the title of Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S)
    5. Hazrat Ibrahim is buried in Jerusalem, Israel. 
    6. Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S) was born Iraq

  • Where is the grave of Hazrat Ishaq (A.S) ?

    A. Jordan
    B. India
    C. Lebanon
    D. Saudi Arabia

    Hazrat Ishaq As son of Hazrat Ibrahim As.

  • Where is the grave of Hazrat Mussa (A.S) ?

    A. Jordan
    B. Pakistan
    C. Lebanon
    D. Israel

  • Qabeel & Habeel were the sons of which prophet ?

    A. Hazrat Adam (AH)
    B. Hazrat Ibrahim (AH)
    C. Hazrat Yaqoob (AH)
    D. Hazrat Daud (AH)

    Qābīl and Hābīl are the first two sons of Adam and Hawwa.

  • When Hazrat Abdul Muttalib died ___ ?

    A. 584 A.D
    B. 578 A.D
    C. 582 A.D
    D. 580 A.D

    Abd al-Muttalib Shaybah ibn Hashim was the grandfather of Islamic prophet Muhammad.

  • The Holy Prophet SAAW was direct decedent of _____ ?

    A. Hazrat Isa
    B. Hazrat Ismaeel
    C. Hazrat Noah
    D. None of them