General knowledge questions with answers for all competitive exams. GK questions in English MCQs and gk mcqs for entry test. Pakistan General Knowledge MCQs with answers pdf, Gk MCQs with answers pdf and Gk MCQs pdf. General knowledge MCQs covering topics such as PPSC, FPSC, NTS, Lat, SPSC, KPPSC, IBA, STS, SST, and ETEA. Includes World General Knowledge solved MCQs from past papers and random trivia MCQs.
Which neighbor country of Pakistan is landlocked ?
A. Iran
B. India
C. Afghanistan
D. IraqHow many Landlocked Countries are in Europe ?
A. 5
B. 11
C. 14
D. 19Which is the Second Largest Landlocked Country in the World ?
A. Pakistan
B. Mangolia
C. Khazakastan
D. ChinaHow many Landlocked Countries are in Asia ?
A. 12
B. 34
C. 19
D. 56which one is landlocked country between china and Russia ?
A. Kyrgyzstan
B. Azerbaijan
C. Mongolia
D. NepalHow many Landlocked Countries are in Africa ?
A. 5
B. 16
C. 18
D. 45How many Countries are there Landlocked in the World ?
A. 13
B. 27
C. 55
D. 44Chad is the landlocked country of ____.
A. South America
B. Africa
C. Europe
D. AsiaWhich country has no ocean ?
A. Afghanistan
B. Pakistan
C. Iran
D. IraqLargest land locked country in the world:
A. Pakistan
B. India
C. China
D. Khazashtan