General knowledge questions with answers for all competitive exams. GK questions in English MCQs and gk mcqs for entry test. Pakistan General Knowledge MCQs with answers pdf, Gk MCQs with answers pdf and Gk MCQs pdf. General knowledge MCQs covering topics such as PPSC, FPSC, NTS, Lat, SPSC, KPPSC, IBA, STS, SST, and ETEA. Includes World General Knowledge solved MCQs from past papers and random trivia MCQs.

Which is the oldest school in Pakistan ?
A. Karachi Grammar School
B. Allied School
C. Supierior School
D. Jinnah SchoolWhich country is the University of Pennsylvania located in ?
A. Pakistan
B. Iran
C. Spain
D. USAWhich is the first open university of Pakistan ?
A. Qaid e Azam University
B. Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU)
C. University of Bologna
D. None of themWhat was the first university in the UK ?
A. Oxford
B. Cambridge
C. Buckingham
D. UNEWhen was University of AlK established ?
A. 2004
B. 2010
C. 1994
D. 2002When did Aligarh School become a college ?
A. 1865
B. 1817
C. 1765
D. 1875When was MAO College founded ?
A. 1885
B. 1933
C. 1865
D. 1811Fort William College established in:
A. Lahore
B. Calcutta
C. Hyderabad
D. DelhiPrinceton University is located in which state of the USA ?
A. California
B. Islamabad
C. New Jersey
D. New YorkWhere is Jamia Al-Azhar University situated ?
A. Cairo
B. Jeddah
C. Damascus
D. Amman