General Anatomy MCQs with answers are provided for medical students. Human anatomy MCQs with answers are suitable for all competitive exams. Human body structure, General Anatomy MCQs with answers PDF, General anatomy MCQs pdf download and Anatomy MCQ Bank. MEDICAL MCQS
Disc of the tempero mandibular joint moves forward principally by ?
A. Lateral pterygoid muscle
B. Medial pterygoid muscle
C. Condyle
D. Stylo mandibular ligamentLacrimal gland is located in a groove which is overlap by ?
A. inferior oblique
B. Superior oblique
C. Lateral rectus
D. Levator palpebrae superioris muscleWhen the jaw is opened ?
A. Condyles moves around vertical axis
B. Lateral pterygoids contract
C. Condyles move upwards
D. Articular disc moves posteriorlyMiddle constrictor of pharynx has attachment from ?
A. Pterygomandibular raphae
B. Cricoid cartilage
C. Body of hyoid bone
D. Mandible‘Wry neck’ deformity is due to the damage of ?
A. Sternohyoid
B. Omohyoid
C. Platysma
D. SternocleidomastoidWhich one of the following muscles of the soft palate supplied by the mandibular nerve ?
A. Tensor palati
B. Musculus uvulae
C. Levator palati
D. Palat glossusMuscles of mastication are supplied by ?
A. First part of maxillary artery
B. Facial artery
C. Second part of maxillary artery
D. Third part of maxillary arteryTemporalis muscle originates from ?
A. Pterygopalatine fossa
B. side of the skull
C. Zygmoatic process
D. Ramus of the mandibleMuscle that attaches to zygomatic process of maxilla ?
A. Middle temporal
B. Medial pterygoid
C. Masseter
D. BuccinatorAnsa cervicalis innervates which muscle ?
A. Stylohyoid
B. Sternothyroid
C. Mylohyoid
D. Cricothyroid