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Which of these keys are used in PowerPoint to replace the text ?
A. Ctrl+C
B. Ctrl+H
C. Ctrl+A
D. A and BWhich key is used for Help in PowerPoint ?
A. F4
B. F3
C. F2
D. F1How to insert a new slide in presentation in PowerPoint ?
A. Ctrl+ I
B. Alt+ N
C. Ctrl+ M
D. None of theseHow to close a presentation in PowerPoint ?
A. Ctrl+ W
B. Ctrl+ C
C. Alt+ O
D. All of theseHow to print a presentation in PowerPoint ?
A. Ctrl+ O
B. Ctrl+ S
C. Ctrl+ P
D. A and BHow to save a presentation in PowerPoint ?
A. Ctrl + M
B. Ctrl+ S
C. Ctrl + N
D. None of theseHow to create a new presentation in PowerPoint ?
A. Ctrl+ S
B. Ctrl + M
C. Ctrl + N
D. All of theseHow to Open a presentation in PowerPoint ?
A. Ctrl + O
B. Ctrl+ A
C. Ctrl + K
D. None of theseView displays the text of the slide only ____?
A. Text view
B. Outline View
C. Bullet view
D. Notes ViewFirst slide in a presentation ?
A. Title slide
B. Theme page
C. 1st slide
D. Beginning slide