Irrigation, Water Resources Engineering, and Hydrology are crucial components of civil engineering that focus on the management, distribution, and utilization of water resources.
Infiltration is the _____ .
A. absorption of water by soil surface
B. movement of water through the soil
C. both a and b
D. none of themInfiltration capacity :
A. changes with both time and location
B. changes with location
C. is a constant factor
D. changes with timeThe rate of infiltration is always :
A. equal to or less than the infiltration capacity
B. equal to or more than the infiltration capacity
C. more than the infiltration capacity
D. less than the infiltration capacityA hydrograph is a graphical representation of :
A. ground waterflow and time
B. rainfall and time
C. surface runoff and time
D. runoff and timeWith the increase in the quantity of water supplied, the yield of most crops :
A. increases upto a certain limit and then becomes constant
B. increases upto a certain limit and then decreases
C. increases continuously
D. decreases continuouslyThe water utilizable by plants is available in soils mainly in the form of ____ ?
A. hydroscopic water
B. chemical water
C. gravity water
D. capillary waterThe kor depth for rice is 190 mm and kor period is 14 days. The outlet factor for this will be :
A. 972 hectares/m3/sec
B. 1172 hectares/m3/sec
C. 637 hectares/m3/sec
D. 837 hectares/m3/secThe outlet discharge factor is the duty at the head of :
A. distributory
B. watercourse
C. main canal
D. branch canalWhich duty is largest in irrigation ?
A. on the field
B. same at all places
C. at the head of water course
D. at the head of a main canalWhat is the optimum depth for rice ?
A. 19 cm
B. 13 cm
C. 29 cm
D. 5 cm