Building Materials and Construction MCQs with answers PDF for PPSC, FPSC, NTS, OTS, SPSC, PTS, BPSC, ETEA, and KPPSC. Includes a Civil Engineering MCQs PDF book, ideal for Civil Engineering students preparing for competitive exams and technical interviews.
As compared to English bond, double flemish bond is _____ ?
A. costly
B. stronger
C. more compact
D. None of themDifferential settlement in case of foundations on sand soils should not exceed ______ ?
A. 25 mm
B. 100 mm
C. 40 mm
D. 65 mmType of footing which is used to transmit heavy loads through steel columns is _____ ?
A. well foundation
B. isolated footing
C. grillage foundation
D. raft foundationIn a colar beam roof ____ ?
A. there is a horizontal tie at the feet of rafters only
B. here are two horizontal ties, one at the feet and other at the middle
C. there is no horizontal tie beam
D. here is a horizontal tie at almost the middle of rafters onlyTerm string is used for ____ ?
A. outer projecting edge of a tread
B. vertical member between two treads
C. the underside of a stair
D. a sloping member which supports the steps in a stairNumber of steps in a flight generally should not be less than ____ ?
A. 3
B. 5
C. 8
D. 13Vertical posts placed at the top and bottom ends of a flight supporting the hand rail are known as ____ ?
A. balustrades
B. railings
C. balusters
D. newal postsMinimum width of landing should be ?
A. twice the width of stairs
B. one fourth the width of stairs
C. equal to width of stairs
D. half the width of stairs