Building Materials and Construction MCQs with answers PDF for PPSC, FPSC, NTS, OTS, SPSC, PTS, BPSC, ETEA, and KPPSC. Includes a Civil Engineering MCQs PDF book, ideal for Civil Engineering students preparing for competitive exams and technical interviews.
Vehicle used in case of enamel paints is usually _____ ?
A. water
B. varnish
C. linseed oil
D. None of themIn brick masonry the bond produced by laying alternate headers and stretchers in each course is known as ____ ?
A. zigzag bond
B. single flemish bond
C. double flemish bond
D. English bondAmount of water used for one kg of distemper is ____ ?
A. 0.6 liter
B. 0.8 liter
C. 0.2 liter
D. 0.4 literSlenderness ratio for masonry walls should not be more than _____ ?
A. 3
B. 13
C. 20
D. 26As compared to stretcher course, the thickness of joints in header course should be ___ ?
A. equal
B. less
C. more
D. None of themProportions of lime and sand in the mortar normally used in brick construction are ____ ?
A. 1:6
B. 1:8
C. 1:2
D. 1:4A mortar joint in masonry which is normal to the face of wall is known as ____ ?
A. bonded joint
B. cross joint
C. bed joint
D. wall jointExpansion Joints in masonry walls are provided in wall lengths usater than ___ ?
A. 30 m
B. 40 m
C. 10 m
D. 20 mMinimum thickness of wall where single flemish bond can be used is ____ ?
A. one and a half bricks thick
B. two bricks thick
C. half brick thick
D. one brick thickType of bond provided in brick masonry for carrying heavy loads is _____ ?
A. zigzag bond
B. English bond
C. single flemish bond
D. double flemish bond