Building Materials and Construction MCQs with answers PDF for PPSC, FPSC, NTS, OTS, SPSC, PTS, BPSC, ETEA, and KPPSC. Includes a Civil Engineering MCQs PDF book, ideal for Civil Engineering students preparing for competitive exams and technical interviews.
Main constituent of cement which is responsible for initial setting of cement is ____ ?
A. tricalcium silicate
B. tricalcium aluminate
C. dicalcium silicate
D. None of themMain constituent which imparts hydraulicity to hydraulic lime is ____ ?
A. silica
B. water
C. calcium oxide
D. clayAs per IS specifications, the maximum final setting time for ordinary Portland cement should be ___ ?
A. 6 hours
B. 10 hours
C. 30 minutes
D. 1 hourConstituent of cement which is responsible for all the undesirable properties of cement is ____ ?
A. tricalcium aluminate
B. tetra calcium alumino ferrite
C. dicalcium silicate
D. tricalcium silicateInitial setting time for ordinary Portland cement as per IS specifications should not be less than _____ ?
A. 60 minutes
B. 600 minutes
C. 30 minutes
D. 10 minutesLe Chatelier’s device is used for determining the _____ ?
A. tensile strength of cement
B. compressive strength of cemen
C. setting time of cement
D. soundness of cementMain ingredients of Portland cement are ____ ?
A. silica and alumina
B. lime and iron
C. lime and silica
D. lime and aluminaWhich of the following cements is suitable for use in massive concrete structures such as large dams?
A. rapid hardening cement
B. sulphate resisting cement
C. ordinary Portland cement
D. low heat cementFor testing compressive and tensile strength of cement, the cement mortar is made by mixing cement and standard sand in the proportions of _____ ?
A. 1:4
B. 1:6
C. 1:3
D. 1:2Gypsum consists of ____ ?
A. CaS04 and H20
B. C02 and calcium
C. H2S and C02
D. Lime and H20