The standard size of wooden sleepers on broad:
A. 2.74 mx 25 cm x 13 cm
B. 1.83 mx 20 cm x 11 cm
C. 1.52 m x 15 cm x 10 cm
D. any one of these
Railway engineering MCQs involve the design, construction, and maintenance of railway systems, including tracks, stations, and related infrastructure.
A. 2.74 mx 25 cm x 13 cm
B. 1.83 mx 20 cm x 11 cm
C. 1.52 m x 15 cm x 10 cm
D. any one of these
A. Steel sleeper
B. R.C.C. sleepers
C. Cast iron sleeper
D. Wooden sleeper
A. supported on a metal plate
B. supported on a sleeper
C. suspended
D. none of these
A. first pass over crossings and then over switches
B. first pass either over switches or crossings
C. first pass over switches and then over crossings
D. none of the above
A. loco-sheds
B. shunting
C. goods train
D. all of these
A. it can provide sufficient bearing area for the rail
B. it can provide sufficient effective bearing area on the balast
C. the rails can be easily fixed and taken out from the sleeper without moving them
D. all of the above
A. to provide elasticity and resilience to the track
B. to uniformly distribute the load from sleepers over a large area of formation
C. to hold the sleepers in position
D. all of the above
A. gradient
B. gradient
C. speed
D. all of these
A. 1 in 30
B. 1 in 40
C. 1 in 20
D. 1 in 10
A. permissible stresses in the steel sleepers
B. suitability of the wooden sleepers
C. number of sleepers per rail length
D. None of them