Percentage of knowledge gained through observation is ?
A. 25 %
B. 90 %
C. 75 %
D. 50 %
Most important pedagogy MCQs with answers for test preparation, such as PPSC, PST, FPSC, NTS, STS, SPSC, KPPSC, SST, ETEA, and BPSC. Pedagogy in education MCQs with answers for competitive exams and interviews. MCQs on pedagogy for entry tests.
A. 25 %
B. 90 %
C. 75 %
D. 50 %
A. Behavior
B. Logical sequence
C. Course
D. Design
A. Logical sequence
B. Behavior
C. Course
D. Design
A. Subject curriculum
B. Core curriculum
C. Activity curriculum
D. None of them
A. Course of study
B. Chariot race course
C. Course of learning
D. None of them
A. Programme of Guidance
B. Programme of Activites
C. Programme of studies
D. All
A. 15
B. 140 and above
C. 110
D. 90
A. Subject
B. Integrated
C. Activity
D. All of these
A. Objectives
B. Teaching strategies
C. Evaluation
D. All of these
A. Teaching process
B. Curriculum
C. Change in behavior
D. None of them