Ionic exchange between enamel surface and environment ______ ?
A. Continues till adult life
B. Continues through out life
C. Does not take place once enamel surface and invironment
D. Stops after 2 years of eruption
Medical multiple-choice questions here cover topics like Oral Histology MCQs, with answers and explanations for medical students.
A. Continues till adult life
B. Continues through out life
C. Does not take place once enamel surface and invironment
D. Stops after 2 years of eruption
A. Have high inorganic content
B. They are areas of increased porosity
C. Constitute the rest lines with in the enamel rods
D. Allow the movement of water and small ions
A. Paddle appearance in cross section
B. Lanullate appearance in cross-section
C. Key hole appearance in cross section
D. None of them
A. Cementum
B. Enamel
C. Dentin
D. Periodontal ligament
A. Root
D. Enamel matrix
A. Ameloblasts
B. Hypocalcified rods
C. Cracks
D. Odontoblasts
A. Bent
B. Curved
C. Straight
D. Shallow
A. 75 μ m
B. 100 μ m
C. 25 μ m
D. 50 μ m
A. Cusp tips of tooth
B. Proximal surface of tooth
C. Cervical region of tooth
D. None of them
A. Enamel of premolars
B. Dentin of all teeth, as if is formed first
C. Enamel of deciduous incisiors
D. Enamel of permanent incisors