At Nimrah Mosque, on the ninth day of the Hajj, the Khutba is delivered.
A. Third
B. First
C. Second
D. Fourth
Hajj MCQs with answers for the Islamic Studies section. MCQs about Hajj questions with answers, including the meaning of Hajj, the way of Hajj, types of Hajj, the sacrifice of animals during Hajj, Sunnah in Hajj, and khutbahs in Hajj. Hajj MCQs CSS, Hajj MCQs Online Test, Hajj related MCQs with answers, Hajj mcqs pdf, Hajj MCQs NTS, Islamiat questions, Islamic questions, answers in Urdu, Islamiat mcqs in Urdu and islamic quiz in urdu.
A. Third
B. First
C. Second
D. Fourth
A. The Day of Ramzan
B. Pakistan Independence Day
C. The Day of Arafah
D. None of them
A. Sahib-e-Nisab
B. Sahib-e-Ulaad
C. Sahib-e-Toufeeq
D. None of them
A. Umrah
B. Waqoof
C. Istilaam
D. None of them
A. 3
B. 5
C. 6
D. 9
A. Prohibited
B. Obligatory
C. Allowed
D. None of them
A. oneto Three days
B. Three to five days
C. five to six days
D. five to ten days
A. one khutbah
B. Two khutbah
C. Four khutbah
D. Six khutbah
A. Indonesia
B. Pakistan
C. China
D. Russia
A. Hajji
B. Hajjan
C. both a and B
D. None of them