Pressure variation for compressible fluid is maximum for which of the following kind of process ?
A. Isothermal
B. Adiabatic
C. Quasi Static
D. None of them
Civil engineering fluid mechanics MCQs with answers for test preparation. Basic fluid dynamics MCQs for competitive exams.
A. Isothermal
B. Adiabatic
C. Quasi Static
D. None of them
A. Ideal Fluid
B. Ideal Fluid
C. Real Fluid
D. All of the mentioned
A. In the pipe
B. On a free surface
C. In a pump
D. Within a cylindrical depth
A. Work
B. Volume
C. Velocity
D. Accelerating mass
A. Isentropic only
B. Polytropic
C. Adiabatic only
D. Isentropic and adiabatic
Compressibility is defined as a measure of relative change in volume of a fluid. In fluid mechanics, it is also called as isothermal compressibility due to increase in pressure and temperature.
A. 16/Re
B. Re/16
C. Re/64
D. 64/Re
A. Fluid is turbulent
B. Fluid is compressible
C. Fluid is laminar
D. Fluid is uniform
A. Law of conservation of momentum
B. Newton’s second law
C. Newton’s third law
D. Continuity equation
A. Around the lower part
B. Around the upper part
C. Is independent of weight distribution
D. None of the mentioned