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Following is not a carrier protein ?
A. Transcobalamine
B. Haptoglobulin
C. Cerruloplasmin
D. TransferrinUrea is formed in ?
A. Liver
B. Intestine
C. Brain
D. KidneyArgentaffinoma is characterized by excess excretion of ?
A. Phenyl acetate
B. 5- Hydroxy indole acetate
C. . 3- Hydroxy phenyl pyruvate
D. Phenyl lactateReducing end of glutathione, the amino acid is ?
A. Lycie
B. Valine
C. Glycine
D. LeucinePrecursor of melanin is ?
A. Tryptophan
B. Methionine
C. Phenylalanine
D. TyrosineOne of the following is not an amino acid ?
A. Glutamic acid
B. Choline
C. Glycine
D. Hydroxy prolineAlkaptonuria, an inherited metabolic disorder of L0tyrosine metabolism is due to lack of ?
A. Homogentisate oxidase
B. Tyrosine oxidase
C. Tyrosine transaminase
D. Parahydroxy phenyl pyruvate HydroxylaseNitrogen of the body is supplied by ?
A. Glucose
B. Lipids
C. Proteins
D. Triacyl glycerolDigestion of proteins is initiated by ?
A. Chymotrypsin
B. Pepsin
C. Amylase
D. SucraseCollagen is rich in ?
A. Proline and glycine
B. Glutamate and proline
C. Glutamate and glycine
D. Alanine and glycine