Agriculture MCQs with answers for test preparation. Agriculture MCQs for PPSC, FPSC, NTS, ZTBL, KPPSC and etc. Agriculture MCQs in PDF, Agriculture MCQs with answers pdf, Agriculture MCQs pdf, Agriculture MCQs online test, Pakistan Agriculture MCQs pdf download, 1000 MCQs of Agriculture, Agriculture MCQs for ZTBL Test with answers PDF and Agriculture MCQs book. Our MCQs cover a wide range of agricultural topics, including crop cultivation, soil science, livestock management, agronomy, regenerative agriculture, agricultural extension services, agribusiness, smart agriculture, agricultural science, and more.
Which of the following is not the soil order prevail in Pakistan ?
A. Mollisols
B. Aridisols
C. Alfisols
D. None of themPlanned development, distribution and use water resources ;
A. Water management
B. Water distribution
C. a and b
D. None of themBased on their diameters, soil pores are divided into ?
A. Meso pores & Micro pores
B. Macro pores
C. a and b
D. The above statement is wrong____ particles range in diameter between 0.02 to 0.002 mm;
A. Clay
B. Sand
C. Silt
D. None of themWhich nutrients are immobile in plants ?
A. B
B. Ca
C. P
D. a and cWhich element is found highest in earth crust ?
A. Sodium
B. Aluminum
C. Silicon
D. None of themSpecific heat is higher in ;
A. Humus
B. Clay
C. a and b
D. ClayBGA was discovered as a nitrogen fixer in paddy field by?
A. Fred
B. P.K dey
C. Beijerinck
D. None of themDecomposition of the organic matter in submerged soil is carried out by ?
A. Algae
B. Actinomycetes
C. Fungi
D. None of themWhich element is known as chemical police man of plant ?
A. Potassium
B. Magnesium
C. Phosphorus
D. None of them