Agriculture MCQs with answers for test preparation. Agriculture MCQs for PPSC, FPSC, NTS, ZTBL, KPPSC and etc. Agriculture MCQs in PDF, Agriculture MCQs with answers pdf, Agriculture MCQs pdf, Agriculture MCQs online test, Pakistan Agriculture MCQs pdf download, 1000 MCQs of Agriculture, Agriculture MCQs for ZTBL Test with answers PDF and Agriculture MCQs book. Our MCQs cover a wide range of agricultural topics, including crop cultivation, soil science, livestock management, agronomy, regenerative agriculture, agricultural extension services, agribusiness, smart agriculture, agricultural science, and more.
1 mg of H+ will be equal to ______ ?
A. 12 mg of Mg2+
B. 9 mg of Al3+
C. 20 mg of ca2+
D. All of themWhich of the following is a component of nucleic acid and protein ?
A. N
B. L
C. Ca
D. MgRhizoplane is _____ ?
A. Root surface
B. Area within the roots
C. An area of soil from root surface to 5 cm
D. All of themWhich chemical used to prevent evaporation from surface of water in water bodies ?
A. Methyle alcohol
B. Cetyle alcohol
C. a and b
D. None of themComposition of igneous rock is determined by _____ ?
A. Composition can not be determined.
B. Depth of molten magma
C. a and b
D. Composition of molten magmaWho will decompose organic matter first ?
A. Bacteria
B. Basidiomycetes
C. Actinomycetes
D. Fungi imperfectiProcess of mixing of soils is known as _____ ?
A. Lessivage
B. Laterization
C. Gleization
D. The correct option is not present aboveWalkley and Blacks method of organic matter determination allows recovery of _____ % organic carbon content ?
A. 62.5 %
B. 34%
C. 74 %
D. 54 %Soil samples are dried at _____, for gravimetric soil analysis ?
A. 110 0C
B. 105 0C
C. 120 0C
D. a and cSoil samples are collected ?
A. Field with upper white layer of salts
B. Boundaries of the field
C. From the field with immediate application of fertilize
D. None of them