Agriculture MCQs with answers for test preparation. Agriculture MCQs for PPSC, FPSC, NTS, ZTBL, KPPSC and etc. Agriculture MCQs in PDF, Agriculture MCQs with answers pdf, Agriculture MCQs pdf, Agriculture MCQs online test, Pakistan Agriculture MCQs pdf download, 1000 MCQs of Agriculture, Agriculture MCQs for ZTBL Test with answers PDF and Agriculture MCQs book. Our MCQs cover a wide range of agricultural topics, including crop cultivation, soil science, livestock management, agronomy, regenerative agriculture, agricultural extension services, agribusiness, smart agriculture, agricultural science, and more.
A mature ovule is known as ________ ?
A. Ovary
B. Fruit
C. Endosperm
D. SeedWho said that “sports” are of no significance in evolution ?
A. Dobzhansky
B. Darwin
C. Joseph Kolreuter
D. VavilovDrying capacity of oil depends upon _______ ?
A. Carbon chain length
B. %age of erusic acid
C. Saponification
D. Iodine %In spermatogenesis, each spermatogonium increases in size to form a _______ ?
A. Spermatid
B. Primary oocyte
C. Spermatocyte
D. SpermatozoaAuto polyploidy have been successfully exploited in ______ ?
A. Sunflower
B. Sugar beat
C. Sugarcane
D. MaizeLine x tester analysis provides information about _______ ?
A. GCA & SCA effects
B. D & H components
C. GCA & SCA variances
D. All of theseSilviculture is a _________ ?
A. Latin word
B. French word
C. Arabic word
D. b and cIn line x tester cross mating is done between ___ ?
A. Among females
B. Males & females
C. Among males
D. None of themSolid wastes generated in Pakistan are about ______ ?
A. 12250 tonnes/day
B. 47,920 tonnes/day
C. 65, 772 tonnes/day
D. None of themYoung ones of camel and cattle is called _____ ?
A. Kid
B. Lamb
C. Calf
D. Fawn