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( Interactive MCQs and Quizzes for Knowledge )
Rule of plea of alibi is applicable in ?
A. Civil cases
B. Criminal cases
C. Family cases
D. NoneThe word statistics is defined as ?
A. Singular Sense
B. Plural Sense
C. Singular as well as plural sense
D. Non of thesePolitical science stresses the study of ?
A. Government
B. State
C. Power
D. All the aboveInternational human solidarity day is observed annually on ?
A. 20 December
B. 10 November
C. 15 October
D. None of TheseFor economists, the word “utility” means:
A. versatility and flexibility
B. rationality
C. pleasure and satisfaction
D. purposefulnessFirst agriculture reforms in Pakistan?
A. June 24, 1959
B. Jan 24, 1956
C. Jan 30, 1959
D. Jan 24, 1959Who is called the father of Modern Psychology?
A. Wilhelm Wundt
B. Ibn-e-Khaldoom
C. Adams Smith
D. Charless DarwinAminocaproic acid is a drug of choice for treatment of:
A. Acute myocardial infarction
B. Bleeding from fibrinolytic therapy
C. Heart failure
D. Multiple pulmonary emboliWhich of the following is correct ?
A. Pyknosis – shrinkage of nucleus
B. Karyolysis – Dissolution of nucleus
C. Karyorrhexis – fragmentation of nucleus
D. All of the aboveWhich is not produced enteroendocrinally ?
A. Intrinsic factor
B. Secretin
C. Motilin