Tunnel Engineering MCQs is a specialized field within civil engineering that focuses on the planning, design, construction, and maintenance of tunnels. This includes Tunnel Engineering MCQs with answers in PDF format, Railway Bridge and Tunnel Engineering MCQ questions.
Which one of the following is a component of a shield for tunnelling?
A. trench jack
B. German
C. cutting edge
D. liner plateWhich of the following methods of tunneling is used for long tunnels at great depths?
A. Austrian method
B. English method
C. Army method
D. Needle beam methodThe most suitable soil for compressed air tunneling is _____ ?
A. sand
B. gravel
C. silt
D. clayRibs are used for strengthening and stiffening the liner plate for tunnels of diameter greater than:
A. 3 m
B. 7 m
C. 2 m
D. 5 mWhich one of the following tunnelling methods is used for laying under ground sewers?
A. German method
B. Italian method
C. Army method
D. Needle beam methodWhich of the following lining material is useful for shield driven tunnels in sub aqueous regions?
A. cement concrete
B. cast iron
C. stone masonry
D. timberIn compressed air tunneling, the volume of free air provided is:
A. 6 m3 per minute per m2 of face area
B. 6 m3 per hour per m2 of face area
C. 6 mJ per second per m2 of face area
D. 20 m3 per minute per m2 of face areaWhich of the following is not a component of the shield?
A. hood
B. tail
C. propelling jacks
D. liner plateThe correct sequence of drilling equipment for increasing size of holes in tunnels is:
A. shot drill, churn drill, wagon drill
B. churn drill, wagon drill, shot drill
C. wagon drill, shot drill, churn drill
D. wagon drill, churn drill, shot drillDrifters can be used to drill ____ ?
A. only down holes
B. horizontal or up holes
C. horizor„al, down or up holes
D. only up holes