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( Interactive MCQs and Quizzes for Knowledge )

  • The meaning of the acronym HRM is ?

    A. Human Relations Management
    B. Humanistic Resource Management
    C. Human Resource Management
    D. Human Resourceful Management

  • Having some overall goal in mind, financial management is concerned with:

    A. Acquisition of assets
    B. Financing of assets
    C. Management of assets
    D. All of them

  • Which is the largest gland in the human body?

    A. Thyroid
    B. Liver
    C. Pancreas
    D. None of these

  • حضرت عسیٰ علیہ السلام کی نبوت کتنے ماہ رہی ؟

    بیالیس ماہ تک .❶
    اکتیس ماہ تک .❷
    چالیس ماہ تک .❸
    تیس ماہ تک .❹

  • The soul of chemistry is dealing with___________?

    A. Internal structural changes in matter
    B. Composition of matter
    C. Properties of matter
    D. Composition and properties of matter

  • Physics is one of the branches of___________?

    A. Physical sciences
    B. Biological sciences
    C. Social science
    D. Life sciences branch

  • The term ‘Computer’ is derived from__________?

    A. Latin
    B. German
    C. French
    D. Arabic

  • Choose the correct spellings.

    A. Qoloquial
    B. Coloquial
    C. Colloqial
    D. Colloquial

  • Which is the outermost planet in the solar system?

    A. Mercury
    B. Pluto
    C. Neptune
    D. Uranus

  • The height of all 4 Minars of Badshai Mosque are

    A. 170 feet
    B. 172 feet
    C. 175 feet
    D. 177 feet