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DK Point
( Interactive MCQs and Quizzes for Knowledge )
The meaning of the acronym HRM is ?
A. Human Relations Management
B. Humanistic Resource Management
C. Human Resource Management
D. Human Resourceful ManagementHaving some overall goal in mind, financial management is concerned with:
A. Acquisition of assets
B. Financing of assets
C. Management of assets
D. All of themWhich is the largest gland in the human body?
A. Thyroid
B. Liver
C. Pancreas
D. None of theseحضرت عسیٰ علیہ السلام کی نبوت کتنے ماہ رہی ؟
بیالیس ماہ تک .❶
اکتیس ماہ تک .❷
چالیس ماہ تک .❸
تیس ماہ تک .❹The soul of chemistry is dealing with___________?
A. Internal structural changes in matter
B. Composition of matter
C. Properties of matter
D. Composition and properties of matterPhysics is one of the branches of___________?
A. Physical sciences
B. Biological sciences
C. Social science
D. Life sciences branchThe term ‘Computer’ is derived from__________?
A. Latin
B. German
C. French
D. ArabicChoose the correct spellings.
A. Qoloquial
B. Coloquial
C. Colloqial
D. ColloquialWhich is the outermost planet in the solar system?
A. Mercury
B. Pluto
C. Neptune
D. UranusThe height of all 4 Minars of Badshai Mosque are
A. 170 feet
B. 172 feet
C. 175 feet
D. 177 feet