Pakistan General Knowledge MCQs with answers pdf for test preparation. Basic general knowledge questions about Pakistan. Pakistan General Knowledge MCQs in Urdu and Top 100 General knowledge questions about. Pakistan Current general knowledge of Pakistan MCQs for competitive exams. General knowledge about Pakistan in Urdu MCQs for Pakistan Studies. GK about Pakistan questions with answers. Pakistan General Knowledge for NTS, PPSC, FPSC, KPPSC, SPSC, ETEA, PMS and CSS, ISSB.
Who was the father of Sir Syed Ahmed ?
A. Mir Muhammad Muttaqi
B. Mir Fareed
C. Mir Zafar Ullah
D. Mir Jamal uddinWhat is the National Lake of Pakistan?
A. Siri Lake
B. Saif-ul-Maluk Lake
C. Shontair Lake
D. Spin Khwar LakeAhmad Shah Patras Bukhari was a famous writer of _________ language ?
A. Urdu
B. Hindi
C. Biology
D. PunjabiMadr-e-Millat Fatima Jinnah died in the year ?
A. 1947
B. 1967
C. 2009
D. 1970Name the language in which the Holy Quran was translated for the first time in India ?
A. Punjabi
B. Sindhi
C. Persian
D. BalochiWho wrote “Mauj-e-Kausar” ?
A. Amir Khusro
B. Khawaja Mir Dard
C. Mir Taqi Mir
D. Shaikh Muhammad IkramUrdu is a word of Turkish language, it means ?
A. Wth
B. Arms
C. Literature
D. ArmyWhich is the first book of Pushto language ?
A. Aasar-ul-Sanadeed
B. Tazkra-tul-Aulia
C. Jat di Kartut
D. Pata KhazanaName of poet whose collection of poetry is called “Shah jo Risalu” ?
A. Khushal Khan Khattak
B. Shah Abdul Latif Bhatai
C. Makhdum Muhammad Hashim
D. Abdul Sattar JoiyaWho was the hero of Pak India 1965 war ?
A. Zulfiqar Ali Joiya
B. Major Tufail
C. Lalik Jan
D. Major Raja Aziz Bhatti