List of Famous Desert In the World

List of Famous Desert Largest Desert, Smallest Desert and Coldest Desert in ther World. General Knowledge multiple choice questions here cover topics like List of Famous Desert In the World. Smallest and Largest in the World

1. Sahara Desert Largest Desert in the world.
2. Carcross Desert  Smallest Desert in the world.
3. The Sonoran Desert Hottest Desert in the world.
4. Gobi Largest Famous Desert in the Aisa.
5. The Lut Desert Hottest desert in Asia.
6. Antarctica  Coldest Desert in the world .
7. The Gobi Desert Coldest desert in the Aisa .
8. Europe Continent has no desert.
9. Sechura Desert is located in peru.
10. Sonoran Desert in USA.
11. Nubian Desert is  in Sudan.
12. Thar desert largest desert of South Asia.
13. Katpana desert located in Skardu, Pakistan.
14. Sahara Desert is in African.
15. Thar desert is fertile desert in the world.
16. Colour of desert soil is  Gray-colour.
17. Great Basin desert located in USA.
18. Taklamakan Desert Located in China.
19. Atacama Desert is in South America.
20. Patagonian Desert is in Argentina.
21. Arabian Desert  is the second largest desert in the world.
22. Sahara Desert  is hottest desert in the world.
23. Empty Quarter is the largest desert of Saudi Arbia.
24. Dungeness is the Largest desert of UK.
25. Ryn Desert is the largest desert of Russia.
26. Macarons  Desert is the largest desert of France.
27. Aiyu Jelly Desert is the largest desert of Taiwan.
28..Gulab Jamun is the Papular desert of India.
29. Rub al Khali Desert is the Largest desert of UAE.
30. Registan Desert is the largest desert of Afghanistan.
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